

Monday, November 24, 2008

Still Going STRONG!!

Ok, life has really taken over and I haven't been able to post everything I've wanted to such as: 3rd Annual Sisters' Weekend, Halloween Pictures, and just life in general since my last post over a month ago. Well, things are pretty much same old, same old here, but a little lighter. You may ask yourself, 'Self, what does she mean by 'a little lighter?' ' Well, I'm proud to boast, I mean, admit, I've been doing boot camp for 6 MONTHS. Yes, you read that right. SIX MONTHS of waking up when most people are still sleeping,

(if I was sleeping, I'd love to sleep in this bed!!!)

when most sane people are taking advantage of the darkness outside and sleeping in their cozy, comfortable beds. Not me! I'd rather be out in the 30 degree weather, running around a dark park shouting out boot camp songs and stopping every 100 yards doing some insane exercise the instructors think is a good idea! Why you might ask yourself? Because I've spent too many days regretting being overweight and not happy with myself.

So, I've come to a simple explanation. You have 2 choices:

1. Complain about your life (or something you aren't happy about) or

2. Do something about it.

Before you know it, it's been six months, and you could still be complaining and thinking you might start changing tomorrow, or be a little better off than you were six months earlier. It's up to you. For me, I picked the first option for way to long, and it got me further away from where I wanted to be. So, I decided insanity (isn't insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? ) wasn't for me anymore.

After six months of boot camp, I can proudly say that I have lost 14% body fat and am down about 22 lbs. My weight now is... (c'mon, you really think I'd put that on the web? for real, people!) The numbers on the scale don't show how healthy I'm becoming. And, there are some more benefits to eating healthier and exercising.

I have learned:

1. Don't have to have dessert every day

2. Don't have to have chocolate after every meal (or between meals)

3. Can eat smaller portions

4. Can stick to something!!! (that's a big one for me!)

5. I am not only making myself healthier, but I'm setting an example to my family!!!

So, I wish you well on your quest to complete something. Remember, you never know what tomorrow will bring, and if tomorrow will ever come!!!


Lena said...

you go girl!! I am almost inspired to get up in the morning and run in the "freezing" 50 degree air (I don't know if it is even that cool!) Please post some more like this so I can get up the gumption to follow in your footsteps!

Jan said...

Go, Wendy!! I love it. Congratulations on the weight loss/body fat change -- you're AWESOME!

YaYa's Funhouse said...

Congrats on your accomplishment!!! I really mean that. So much disciple to get up while all the world is still are an encouragement.

Maren and Dustin said...

Love it. Wish more people had your attitude!


Kristen said...

That's awesome! Way to go! I don't think I've even seen you in 6 months (something is very wrong with that by the way) I'm sure you look amazing!

Mia said...

I am so very proud of you Wendy!!!

Lisa said...

Oh ya, Oh ya, Oh ya, that's my sistah, that's my sistah!!!! (that's like a little soul chant or something) You ARE awesome! Of course, I've known that longer than anyone else (well except Mom or Dad)!!!! LOVE YOU!!!

Lisa said...
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Amy Pratt said...

As always Wee you are my inspiration and I appreciate your words of wisdom (hey, who's the older sister here???) and I love you so much!!! WAY TO GO!!!
Does it count that I'm running almost everyday in the REAL freezing weather (you know Austin doesn't really get THAT cold!!)
Love ya sis...YOU ROCK!!!!

Ash said...

Congratulations Wendy! You are my hero! That is so awesome and AMAZING that you are doing this! I love your bulletts...very true...all of those things! Miss you Sister!